
My research lies at the intersection of near-field cosmology, dark matter theory, and computational astrophysics. I am particularly interested in modeling the dark matter distribution within the Milky Way, including its visible tracers: ultra-faint dwarf galaxies and stellar streams. To this end, I am developing the first suites of cosmological simulations with histories that specifically resemble the Milky Way in various dark matter and cosmological models. 

In parallel, I am building new analytic models for the evolution of rare astrophysical systems. Existing simulations and semi-analytic models are prohibitively slow when targeting outliers, such as high-redshift galaxies and supermassive black holes. With collaborators at Carnegie and USC, I have shown that models based on constrained random processes can yield millions of realizations of the earliest observable galaxies at the same expense as a single realization from a traditional model. We are using these techniques to study the formation of the first galaxies and the Milky Way.